Basic Usage Examples#

StyleFrame’s init supports all the ways you are used to initiate pandas dataframe. An existing dataframe, a dictionary or a list of dictionaries:

from styleframe import StyleFrame, Styler, utils

sf = StyleFrame({'col_a': range(100)})

Applying a style to rows that meet a condition using pandas selecting syntax. In this example all the cells in the col_a column with the value > 50 will have blue background and a bold, sized 10 font:

sf.apply_style_by_indexes(indexes_to_style=sf[sf['col_a'] > 50],
                          styler_obj=Styler(, bold=True, font_size=10))

Creating ExcelWriter object:

ew = StyleFrame.ExcelWriter(r'C:\my_excel.xlsx')

It is also possible to style a whole column or columns, and decide whether to style the headers or not:

sf.apply_column_style(cols_to_style=['a'], styler_obj=Styler(,



Combined with .loc, allows easy selection/indexing based on style. For example:

only_rows_with_yellow_bg_color = sf.loc[sf['col_name'].style.bg_color == utils.colors.yellow]
only_rows_with_non_bold_text = sf.loc[~sf['col_name'].style.bold]