
The styleframe module contains a single class StyleFrame which servers as the main interaction point.

class StyleFrame(obj, styler_obj=None)[source]#

A wrapper class that wraps a pandas.DataFrame object and represent a stylized dataframe. Stores container objects that have values and styles that will be applied to excel

  • obj – Any object that pandas’ dataframe can be initialized with: an existing dataframe, a dictionary, a list of dictionaries or another StyleFrame.

  • styler_obj (Styler) – Will be used as the default style of all cells.

add_color_scale_conditional_formatting(start_type, start_value, start_color, end_type, end_value, end_color, mid_type=None, mid_value=None, mid_color=None, columns_range=None)[source]#
  • start_type (str: one of utils.conditional_formatting_types or any other type Excel supports) – The type for the minimum bound

  • start_value – The threshold for the minimum bound

  • start_color (str: one of utils.colors, hex string or color name ie ‘yellow’ Excel supports) – The color for the minimum bound

  • end_type (str: one of utils.conditional_formatting_types or any other type Excel supports) – The type for the maximum bound

  • end_value – The threshold for the maximum bound

  • end_color (str: one of utils.colors, hex string or color name ie ‘yellow’ Excel supports) – The color for the maximum bound

  • mid_type (None or str: one of utils.conditional_formatting_types or any other type Excel supports) – The type for the middle bound

  • mid_value – The threshold for the middle bound

  • mid_color (None or str: one of utils.colors, hex string or color name ie ‘yellow’ Excel supports) – The color for the middle bound

  • columns_range (None or list[str or int] or tuple[str or int])) – A two-elements list or tuple of columns to which the conditional formatting will be added to. If not provided at all the conditional formatting will be added to all columns. If a single element is provided then the conditional formatting will be added to the provided column. If two elements are provided then the conditional formatting will start in the first column and end in the second. The provided columns can be a column name, letter or index.



Return type:


apply_column_style(cols_to_style, styler_obj, style_header=False, use_default_formats=True, width=None, overwrite_default_style=True)[source]#

Apply style to a whole column

  • cols_to_style (str or list or tuple or set) – The column names to style.

  • styler_obj (Styler) – A Styler object.

  • style_header (bool) – If True, the column(s) header will also be styled.

  • use_default_formats (bool) – If True, the default formats for date and times will be used.

  • width (None or int or float) – If provided, the new width for the specified columns.

  • overwrite_default_style (bool) – (bool) If True, the default style (the style used when initializing StyleFrame) will be overwritten. If False then the default style and the provided style wil be combined using Styler.combine() method.



Return type:


apply_headers_style(styler_obj, style_index_header=True, cols_to_style=None)[source]#

Apply style to the headers only


styler_obj (Styler) – The style to apply

New in version 1.6.1.


style_index_header (bool) – If True then the style will also be applied to the header of the index column

New in version 2.0.5.


cols_to_style (None or str or list[str] or tuple[str] or set[str]) – the columns to apply the style to, if not provided all the columns will be styled



Return type:


apply_style_by_indexes(indexes_to_style, styler_obj, cols_to_style=None, height=None, complement_style=None, complement_height=None, overwrite_default_style=True)[source]#

Applies a certain style to the provided indexes in the dataframe in the provided columns

  • indexes_to_style (list or tuple or int or Container) –

    Indexes to which the provided style will be applied. Usually passed as pandas selecting syntax. For example,

    sf[sf['some_col'] == 20]

  • styler_obj (Styler) – Styler object that contains the style that will be applied to indexes in indexes_to_style

  • cols_to_style (None or str or list[str] or tuple[str] or set[str]) – The column names to apply the provided style to. If None all columns will be styled.

  • height (None or int or float) – If provided, set height for rows whose indexes are in indexes_to_style.

New in version 1.5.

  • complement_style (None or Styler) – Styler object that contains the style which will be applied to indexes not in indexes_to_style

  • complement_height (None or int or float) – Height for rows whose indexes are not in indexes_to_style. If not provided then height will be used (if provided).

New in version 1.6.


overwrite_default_style (bool) – If True, the default style (the style used when initializing StyleFrame) will be overwritten. If False then the default style and the provided style wil be combined using Styler.combine() method.



Return type:


classmethod read_excel(path, sheet_name=0, read_style=False, use_openpyxl_styles=False, read_comments=False, **kwargs)[source]#

Creates a StyleFrame object from an existing Excel.


read_excel() also accepts all arguments that pandas.read_excel() accepts as kwargs.

  • path (str) – The path to the Excel file to read.

  • sheetname

    Deprecated since version 1.6: Use sheet_name instead.

  • sheet_name (str or int) – The sheet name to read. If an integer is provided then it be used as a zero-based sheet index. Default is 0.

  • read_style (bool) – If True the sheet’s style will be loaded to the returned StyleFrame object.

  • use_openpyxl_styles (bool) –

    If True (and read_style is also True) then the styles in the returned StyleFrame object will be Openpyxl’s style objects. If False, the styles will be Styler objects.


    Using use_openpyxl_styles=False is useful if you are going to filter columns or rows by style, for example:

    sf = sf[[col for col in sf.columns if == utils.fonts.arial]]

  • read_comments (bool) – If True (and read_style is also True) cells’ comments will be loaded to the returned StyleFrame object. Note that reading comments without reading styles is currently not supported.


StyleFrame object

Return type:


classmethod read_excel_as_template(path, df, use_df_boundaries=False, **kwargs)[source]#

New in version 3.0.1.

Create a StyleFrame object from an excel template with data of the given DataFrame.


read_excel_as_template() also accepts all arguments that read_excel() accepts as kwargs except for read_style which must be True.

  • path (str) – The path to the Excel file to read.

  • df (pandas.DataFrame) – The data to apply to the given template.

  • use_df_boundaries (bool) – If True the template will be cut according to the boundaries of the given DataFrame.


StyleFrame object

Return type:


rename(columns=None, inplace=False)[source]#

Renames the underlying dataframe’s columns

  • columns (dict) – A dictionary from old columns names to new columns names.

  • inplace (bool) – If False, a new StyleFrame object will be returned. If True, renames the columns inplace.


self if inplace is True, new StyleFrame object is False

Return type:


set_column_width(columns, width)[source]#

Set the width of the given columns



Return type:



col_width_dict (dict[str, int or float]) – A dictionary from column names to width.



Return type:


set_row_height(rows, height)[source]#

Set the height of the given rows



Return type:



row_height_dict (dict[int, int or float]) – A dictionary from row indexes to height.



Return type:


style_alternate_rows(styles, **kwargs)[source]#

New in version 1.2.

Applies the provided styles to rows in an alternating manner.


style_alternate_rows() also accepts all arguments that apply_style_by_indexes() accepts as kwargs.


styles (list[Styler] or tuple[Styler] or set[Styler]) – List, tuple or set of Styler objects to be applied to rows in an alternating manner



Return type:


to_excel(excel_writer='output.xlsx', sheet_name='Sheet1', allow_protection=False, right_to_left=False, columns_to_hide=None, row_to_add_filters=None, columns_and_rows_to_freeze=None, best_fit=None, **kwargs)[source]#

Saves the dataframe to excel and applies the styles.


to_excel() also accepts all arguments that pandas.DataFrame.to_excel() accepts as kwargs.

  • excel_writer (str or pandas.ExcelWriter or pathlib.Path) – File path or existing ExcelWriter

  • sheet_name (str) – Name of sheet the StyleFrame will be exported to

  • allow_protection (bool) – Allow to protect the cells that specified as protected. If used protection=True in a Styler object this must be set to True.

  • right_to_left (bool) – Makes the sheet right-to-left.

  • columns_to_hide (None or str or list or tuple or set) – Columns names to hide.

  • row_to_add_filters (None or int) – Add filters to the given row index, starts from 0 (which will add filters to header row).

  • columns_and_rows_to_freeze (None or str) – Column and row string to freeze. For example “C3” will freeze columns: A, B and rows: 1, 2.

New in version 1.4.


best_fit (None or str or list or tuple or set) –

single column, list, set or tuple of columns names to attempt to best fit the width for.


best_fit will attempt to calculate the correct column-width based on the longest value in each provided column. However this isn’t guaranteed to work for all fonts (works best with monospaced fonts). The formula used to calculate a column’s width is equivalent to

(len(longest_value_in_column) + A_FACTOR) * P_FACTOR

The default values for A_FACTOR and P_FACTOR are 13 and 1.3 respectively, and can be modified before calling StyleFrame.to_excel by directly modifying StyleFrame.A_FACTOR and StyleFrame.P_FACTOR



Return type:
