Source code for styleframe.styler

from openpyxl.cell import Cell

from . import utils
from colour import Color
from openpyxl.formatting.rule import ColorScaleRule
from openpyxl.styles import PatternFill, NamedStyle, Color as OpenPyColor, Border, Side, Font, Alignment, Protection
from openpyxl.comments import Comment
from pprint import pformat

from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Union, Set

[docs] class Styler: """ Used to represent a style :param bg_color: The background color :type bg_color: str: one of :class:`.utils.colors`, hex string or color name ie `'yellow'` Excel supports :param bool bold: If ``True``, a bold typeface is used :param font: The font to use :type font: str: one of :class:`.utils.fonts` or other font name Excel supports :param int font_size: The font size :param font_color: The font color :type font_color: str: one of :class:`.utils.colors`, hex string or color name ie `'yellow'` Excel supports :param number_format: The format of the cell's value :type number_format: str: one of :class:`.utils.number_formats` or any other format Excel supports :param bool protection: If ``True``, the cell/column will be write-protected :param underline: The underline type :type underline: str: one of :class:`.utils.underline` or any other underline Excel supports .. versionchanged:: 4.2 :param border_type: - If provided a string (one of :class:`.utils.borders` or any other border type Excel supports): all borders will be set to that type. - If provided a set of strings (:class:`.utils.border_locations` or any other border location Excel supports): each provided border will be set to the default border type. - If provided a dict (from location, one of :class:`.utils.border_locations` or any other border location Excel supports) to border type (one of :class:`.utils.borders` or any other border type Excel supports): each provided border will be set to the provided border type. :type border_type: str or set[str] or dict[str, str] .. versionadded:: 1.2 :param horizontal_alignment: Text's horizontal alignment :type horizontal_alignment: str: one of :class:`.utils.horizontal_alignments` or any other horizontal alignment Excel supports :param vertical_alignment: Text's vertical alignment :type vertical_alignment: str: one of :class:`.utils.vertical_alignments` or any other vertical alignment Excel supports .. versionadded:: 1.3 :param bool wrap_text: :param bool shrink_to_fit: :param fill_pattern_type: Cells's fill pattern type :type fill_pattern_type: str: one of :class:`.utils.fill_pattern_types` or any other fill pattern type Excel supports :param int indent: :param str comment_author: :param str comment_text: :param int text_rotation: Integer in the range 0 - 180 .. versionadded:: 4.0 :param date_format: :type date_format: str: one of :class:`.utils.number_formats` or any other format Excel supports :param time_format: :type time_format: str: one of :class:`.utils.number_formats` or any other format Excel supports :param date_time_format: :type date_time_format: str: one of :class:`.utils.number_formats` or any other format Excel supports .. note:: For any of ``date_format``, ``time_format`` and ``date_time_format`` to take effect, the value being styled must be an actual ``date``/``time``/``datetime`` object. .. versionadded:: 4.1 :param bool strikethrough: :param bool italic: """ cache: Dict['Styler', NamedStyle] = {} def __init__(self, bg_color: Optional[str] = None, bold: bool = False, font: str = utils.fonts.arial, font_size: Union[int, float] = 12.0, font_color: Optional[str] = None, number_format: str = utils.number_formats.general, protection: bool = False, underline: Optional[str] = None, border_type: Union[str, Set[str], Dict[str, str]] = utils.borders.thin, horizontal_alignment: str =, vertical_alignment: str =, wrap_text: bool = True, shrink_to_fit: bool = True, fill_pattern_type: str = utils.fill_pattern_types.solid, indent: Union[int, float] = 0.0, comment_author: Optional[str] = None, comment_text: Optional[str] = None, text_rotation: int = 0, date_format: str =, time_format: str = utils.number_formats.time_24_hours, date_time_format: str = utils.number_formats.date_time, strikethrough: bool = False, italic: bool = False): def get_color_from_string(color_str: str, default_color: Optional[str] = None) -> str: if color_str and color_str.startswith('#'): color_str = color_str[1:] if not utils.is_hex_color_string(hex_string=color_str): color_str = utils.colors.get(color_str, default_color) return color_str self.bold = bold self.font = font self.font_size = font_size self.number_format = number_format = protection self.underline = underline self.horizontal_alignment = horizontal_alignment self.vertical_alignment = vertical_alignment self.bg_color = get_color_from_string(bg_color, default_color=utils.colors.white) self.font_color = get_color_from_string(font_color, self.shrink_to_fit = shrink_to_fit self.wrap_text = wrap_text self.indent = indent self.comment_author = comment_author self.comment_text = comment_text self.text_rotation = text_rotation self.date_format = date_format self.time_format = time_format self.date_time_format = date_time_format self.strikethrough = strikethrough self.italic = italic self.fill_pattern_type = fill_pattern_type if isinstance(border_type, set): self.border_type = {border_location: utils.borders.thin for border_location in border_type} elif isinstance(border_type, dict): self.border_type = border_type else: self.border_type = { border_type, utils.border_locations.right: border_type, utils.border_locations.bottom: border_type, utils.border_locations.left: border_type } if border_type == utils.borders.default_grid: if bg_color is not None or fill_pattern_type != utils.fill_pattern_types.solid: raise ValueError(f'`bg_color`or `fill_pattern_type` conflict with border_type={utils.borders.default_grid}') self.border_type = None self.fill_pattern_type = None def __eq__(self, other): return isinstance(other, self.__class__) and self.__dict__ == other.__dict__ def __hash__(self): return hash(tuple((k, v) if not isinstance(v, (dict, set)) else hash(tuple(v.items())) for k, v in sorted(self.__dict__.items()))) def __add__(self, other): default = Styler().__dict__ d = dict(self.__dict__) for k, v in other.__dict__.items(): if v != default[k]: d[k] = v return Styler(**d) def __repr__(self): return pformat(self.__dict__) def generate_comment(self): if any((self.comment_author, self.comment_text)): return Comment(self.comment_text, self.comment_author) return None @classmethod def default_header_style(cls): return cls(bold=True) def to_openpyxl_style(self): try: openpyxl_style = self.cache[self] except KeyError: if isinstance(self.border_type, str): side = Side(border_style=self.border_type, border = Border(left=side, right=side, top=side, bottom=side) else: border = Border(**{border_location: Side(border_style=border_type, for border_location, border_type in self.border_type.items()}) openpyxl_style = self.cache[self] = NamedStyle( name=str(hash(self)), font=Font(name=self.font, size=self.font_size, color=OpenPyColor(self.font_color), bold=self.bold, underline=self.underline, strikethrough=self.strikethrough, italic=self.italic), fill=PatternFill(patternType=self.fill_pattern_type, fgColor=self.bg_color), alignment=Alignment(horizontal=self.horizontal_alignment, vertical=self.vertical_alignment, wrap_text=self.wrap_text, shrink_to_fit=self.shrink_to_fit, indent=self.indent, text_rotation=self.text_rotation), border=border, number_format=self.number_format, protection=Protection( ) return openpyxl_style @classmethod def from_openpyxl_style(cls, openpyxl_style: Cell, theme_colors: List[str], openpyxl_comment: Optional[Comment] = None): def _calc_new_hex_from_theme_hex_and_tint(theme_hex, color_tint): if not theme_hex.startswith('#'): theme_hex = '#' + theme_hex color_obj = Color(theme_hex) color_obj.luminance = _calc_lum_from_tint(color_tint, color_obj.luminance) return color_obj.hex_l[1:] def _calc_lum_from_tint(color_tint: Optional[float], current_lum: float) -> float: """" Based on """ if color_tint is None: return current_lum current_lum *= 255 if color_tint < 0: return current_lum * (1.0 + color_tint) / 255 return (current_lum * (1.0 - color_tint) + (255 - 255 * (1.0 - color_tint))) / 255 bg_color = openpyxl_style.fill.fgColor.rgb # in case we are dealing with a "theme color" if not isinstance(bg_color, str): try: bg_color = theme_colors[openpyxl_style.fill.fgColor.theme] except (AttributeError, IndexError, TypeError): bg_color = utils.colors.white[:6] tint = openpyxl_style.fill.fgColor.tint bg_color = _calc_new_hex_from_theme_hex_and_tint(bg_color, tint) bold = openpyxl_style.font.bold strikethrough = openpyxl_style.font.strikethrough italic = openpyxl_style.font.italic font = font_size = openpyxl_style.font.size try: font_color = openpyxl_style.font.color.rgb except AttributeError: font_color = # in case we are dealing with a "theme color" if not isinstance(font_color, str): try: font_color = theme_colors[openpyxl_style.font.color.theme] except (AttributeError, IndexError, TypeError): font_color =[:6] tint = openpyxl_style.font.color.tint font_color = _calc_new_hex_from_theme_hex_and_tint(font_color, tint) number_format = openpyxl_style.number_format protection = underline = openpyxl_style.font.underline horizontal_alignment = openpyxl_style.alignment.horizontal vertical_alignment = openpyxl_style.alignment.vertical wrap_text = openpyxl_style.alignment.wrap_text or False shrink_to_fit = openpyxl_style.alignment.shrink_to_fit fill_pattern_type = openpyxl_style.fill.patternType indent = openpyxl_style.alignment.indent text_rotation = openpyxl_style.alignment.text_rotation border_type = { getattr(, 'border_style', None), utils.border_locations.right: getattr(openpyxl_style.border.right, 'border_style', None), utils.border_locations.bottom: getattr(openpyxl_style.border.bottom, 'border_style', None), utils.border_locations.left: getattr(openpyxl_style.border.left, 'border_style', None) } if openpyxl_comment: comment_author = comment_text = openpyxl_comment.text else: comment_author = None comment_text = None return cls(bg_color, bold, font, font_size, font_color, number_format, protection, underline, border_type, horizontal_alignment, vertical_alignment, wrap_text, shrink_to_fit, fill_pattern_type, indent, comment_author, comment_text, text_rotation, strikethrough=strikethrough, italic=italic)
[docs] @classmethod def combine(cls, *styles: 'Styler'): """ .. versionadded:: 1.6 Used to combine :class:`Styler` objects. The right-most object has precedence. For example: .. code-block:: python Styler.combine(Styler(bg_color='yellow', font_size=24), Styler(bg_color='blue')) will return .. code-block:: python Styler(bg_color='blue', font_size=24) :param styles: Iterable of Styler objects :type styles: list or tuple or set :return: self :rtype: :class:`Styler` """ return sum(styles, cls())
create_style = to_openpyxl_style
class ColorScaleConditionalFormatRule: """Creates a color scale conditional format rule. Wraps openpyxl's ColorScaleRule. Mostly should not be used directly, but through StyleFrame.add_color_scale_conditional_formatting """ def __init__(self, start_type, start_value, start_color, end_type, end_value, end_color, mid_type=None, mid_value=None, mid_color=None, columns_range=None): self.columns = columns_range # checking against None explicitly since mid_value may be 0 if all(val is not None for val in (mid_type, mid_value, mid_color)): self.rule = ColorScaleRule(start_type=start_type, start_value=start_value, start_color=OpenPyColor(start_color), mid_type=mid_type, mid_value=mid_value, mid_color=OpenPyColor(mid_color), end_type=end_type, end_value=end_value, end_color=OpenPyColor(end_color)) else: self.rule = ColorScaleRule(start_type=start_type, start_value=start_value, start_color=OpenPyColor(start_color), end_type=end_type, end_value=end_value, end_color=OpenPyColor(end_color))